Technical SEO: Implementation Strategies For Success

Technical SEO: Implementation Strategies For Success

The technical SEO of a website is sometimes disregarded, but it significantly impacts search engine rankings. There may be duplicate content on your website, broken links, or improper meta tags that need to be fixed. You risk losing out on prospective customers and income if you are unaware of these problems and how they affect how well your website performs in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What is Technical SEO?

The specific set of on-page tactics known as technical SEO is aimed at making it simpler for search engines to crawl, index, and understand the content of websites. High rankings result from the technical SEO professionals’ assistance in classifying and identifying the web page that search engines crawl.

Technical SEO covers a broad range of subjects. Some features include better coding practices, standard HTML/CSS markup, adhering to search engine guidelines for performance optimisation, using structured data for indexing purposes, and making material accessible through appropriate markups. The world is becoming more mobile, so having a responsive and mobile-friendly website would benefit users and web crawlers from search engines because it will make the crawling and indexing processes easier.

Users’ expectations have significantly altered over time, and search engines have advanced in sophistication. Globally, there are currently about 6.5 billion smartphone users, according to Statista. Due to the enormous increase in smartphone usage, Google has updated its algorithm, which now gives greater weight to mobile friendliness and site performance when ranking web pages.

Today, Google may punish websites with shoddy redirects, slow page loads, and bad site structure. These technical SEO problems could cause a sharp decline in search ranks and organic traffic if they are not addressed. Given that about 35% of clicks come from the top organic results, a drop in ranking could be bad for your company.

Read more: Five Types of SEO Services

Why is Technical SEO Important?

There isn’t a single all-encompassing plug-in or hack that can make your website’s technical SEO “perfect.” You can do numerous things that, when combined, can significantly enhance your technical SEO and give you an advantage over the competition.

Why do you wish to give technical SEO more importance? Because technical SEO enables search engines like Google to recognise that your website is valuable. This is crucial since it might encourage search engines to rank you higher. Technical SEO refers to a means of ensuring your website complies with the standards because its primary goal is to provide users with the best results for the keywords they have selected.

Users would be more likely to use another search engine if Google emphasised websites that were difficult to access, slow to respond or both. Therefore, Google’s crawlers like their search engine spiders will boost your website’s search ranks if it loads quickly, doesn’t include any broken links, and is secure.

The causes of this are clear. The satisfaction and delight of your users will increase significantly if you have a solid technical foundation for your website. Search engine crawlers prefer your website over those that provide a slower and more buggy experience.

How does Technical SEO work?

In addition to preventing frustrated website users, a uniform URL structure, site audits, and speedier websites make it possible for your entire website to appear on search engine results pages. Everything that undermines a thoughtfully designed user experience will likely irritate search algorithms. Because search engines prioritise live pages, the more 404 error pages and 301 temporary redirect pages an algorithm discovers, the lower the search rating.

Canonical link URLs are essential because the same material confuses search engine algorithms and can lead them astray. These canonical tags inform Google and other search engines of the preferred site. Poor site security is another thing that search bots look out for. All URLs with the HTTPS element protect data transmissions between browsers and websites from intercepting.

Because many elements, including text, links, and tags, are loaded on the client’s side but not visible until rendering, JavaScript causes issues for technical SEO. This makes it more difficult for search engine crawlers to index your website. The search engine crawler may become confused in outdated or complicated JavaScript cases. At this point, site auditing is essential.

Search engines can understand what your site is doing with structured data. By labelling or organising material using a schema, you enable search engines to “read” your website in a systematic fashion.

You may also enable unique features to appear alongside your pages in search results by tagging your material. These “rich snippets” can involve your reviews appearing on the results page directly, appearing in “Top Stories” carousels, or showing up in “recommended search” boxes.

Since mobile devices now account for well over half of all web traffic, visitors to your site must first encounter responsive design to traverse your page without double tapping or pinching and zooming.

Mobile searches are made simpler by picture compression, optimised alt text, and “lazy loading,” in which a low-res image rather than a blank space displays on the edge of content as the user scrolls down the page. Additionally, this information can be indexed for mobile searches using an image sitemap.

Benefits of Technical SEO

Enhanced Mobile Device Efficiency

Over the past five years, mobile search has risen by 546%. Future predictions indicate that it will only grow in significance. A website optimised for technical SEO gives users a better mobile experience, eventually boosting your company’s conversion rates and overall income.

Website owners can increase website performance by up to 50% by optimising their website’s code for mobile devices. By doing this, you can keep organic mobile traffic coming to your site and improve your users’ mobile web browsing experience.

Improved SEO Outcomes

Using efficient crawl management strategies like canonical and technical SEO optimisation enables you to improve your organic results and compete more effectively with rival websites for keywords related to your industry. With a Technical SEO-optimised website, you can ensure that your material is easily accessible to Google and other search engines.

Increased Conversion Rate

Crawl problems brought on by missing robots.txt files, incorrect meta-data, or unsafe links lead web pages to rank lower on SERPs and diminish conversion rates, which, in turn, lowers overall company revenue and tarnishes the brand image by eroding potential consumers’ trust in the organisation. A site with technical SEO optimisation avoids crawling issues that cause Indexing to lag or cease entirely (and thus affect your organic keyword rankings).

You may enhance your click-through rate (CTR) for selected keywords and show potential consumers precisely what they need, when needed, by improving crawl performance with technical SEO optimisation.

Aim to Improve User Experience

Poor user experiences can result from omitting little elements like page load speeds, especially for mobile site users who access the internet on their smartphones. It’s no secret that Google prioritises mobile optimisation for organic results. Therefore, your website must function well on various devices.

Optimising your website’s technical SEO will improve user experience by giving users a seamless browsing experience across all browsers and device types. By speeding up page loads, technical SEO improves the user experience for your current users while also generating more leads through improved conversion rates. The result of this strategy is an increase in traffic volume and income for businesses across all sectors.

Our Technical SEO Services

If you want your business to be found in search engines, technical SEO services are essential. This service entails various particular duties that must all be carried out yearly. Technical SEO audits are the first stage of an SEO project’s life cycle, where the actions for technical SEO services begin. Here, the Technical SEO firm carefully examines your website, SEO performance, and the websites of your rivals for any technical flaws that could harm Search Engines Results Pages (SERPs).

Technical SEO Audit

To find and address the technical SEO problems with your website, we conduct a thorough technical SEO audit. Critical checkpoints covered by the audit include mobile performance, internal link structure, page speed, XML sitemap, indexation, crawl errors, robots.txt, and site architecture. We create short-term and long-term solutions based on analytics data to enhance your website visitors’ experience and boost your Google rankings.

Competitor Analysis

Discover your conversion potential by thoroughly understanding your competitors’ optimisation strategies. The keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence, and technical and backlink profiles of your competitors are all evaluated by our technical SEO specialist. We may develop tactics that will give you a definite edge in your niche market through these procedures.

Meta Data Analysis

Meta tags that accurately describe the content of your page to both web users and search engines will increase your online exposure and drive more traffic to your website. To properly optimise your meta descriptions, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes, and robot tags, iMarketing does technical SEO for WordPress. This approach guarantees that no mishandled metadata will significantly degrade your SEO performance.

Image Optimisation

Large graphics hinder the efficiency of your website and discourage users from staying on it. Technical SEO for eCommerce can speed up your website’s load time and increase client traffic. Our experts select the appropriate file format, optimise your alt attributes, compress your photos’ files, use image sitemaps, and make the most of image optimisation plugins.

Speed Optimisation

Your ranking and, more crucially, your clients’ online experience are both impacted by page speed. Your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files will be smaller thanks to filing compression, which our technical SEO specialists enable. We also optimise your code, decrease redirection, exploit browser caching, employ content distribution networks (CDNs) and increase server response time.

Keyword Research

The foundation of your digital marketing approach is keyword research. Find out about current market trends and consumer behaviour to make sure your website is using the right keywords. In order to evaluate your keyword ranks and optimise your multiple pages with effective search phrases, our SEO specialists analyse your niche and carry out technical SEO audits.

Backlink Analysis

With technical SEO for eCommerce and other platforms, you can better comprehend the possibilities of your website’s online authority and search ranking. Our team conducts backlink studies to ensure you receive incoming links from reliable and high-authority websites. We use various backlink data sources to find your referring domains, examine their site authority, and calculate the social share volume of the linked pages.

iMarketing Technical SEO tools


You can use it to rapidly learn what it is and how well it ranks for your chosen keyword (page level). You may also find simple-to-understand information regarding the link profile of your rivals in the backlink analysis area. You may identify the problem, such as internal links that impact the site’s rankings, and make the necessary changes thanks to the site audit tools.

Google Analytics

An account with Google Analytics is a requirement for all website owners. With visitor segmentation data, you may use it to identify who is visiting your website by discovering where they are coming from. Along with the bounce rate, you can also monitor how deep into your web pages visitors navigate before departing. For instance, if your home page has an average bounce rate of 40% with an 80% drop-off rate, something is wrong with the design of your home page if most visitors leave it after less than 30 seconds.
Data on issues like crawling and indexing faults, which are directly related to slowness or ranking concerns, are provided through the issue report function.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console account delivers insights into your total organic search performance. Along with other tracking tools like your search analytics, keyword analysis in Search Console, and the option to generate a site-wide search issue report inside of Search Console (enter the URL), you can view information on the crawl faults and indexation difficulties in your site.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is one of the many free reporting and data visualisation tools available today. Displaying complex data sets from sources like Ads Accounts, Google Spreadsheets, and CSV files is made simple, affordable, and straightforward. It uses widgets to build a concise yet thorough report using up to a dozen distinct data sources, including Attribution 360, BigQuery, Google Analytics and AdWords. The platform offers graphs, charts, maps, and other representations of your data in addition to widgets.

SE Ranking

SE Ranking provides all of the SEO tools required to perform online marketing campaigns properly, a comprehensive SEO software package. SEO agencies will love SE Ranking. SE Ranking offers a full suite of capabilities for tracking keyword positions, conducting keyword research, auditing websites, analysing competitors, generating keyword suggestions, grouping keywords, keeping track of backlinks, creating automatic professional reports, and much more. In addition to the standard SEO tools, the system provides several extra features like White Label and Marketing Plan designed to take your expert digital services to a new level.

We are not your typical SEO agency

It could be time to speak with one of our SEO Malaysia experts if you believe your website’s technical SEO needs to be updated. For search engines to deliver relevant results to potential customers looking for what you have to offer, our team will assist you in identifying broken links or duplicate material on your website and ensure that the metadata tags are correctly filled out. Additionally, we offer free consultations during which we’ll analyse your current technical SEO approach and suggest enhancing website performance. Contact us right away!

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